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Sonic and the Secret Rings (Nintendo Wii)

Run, fly and grind as Sonic through 100 unique missions in eight colourful worlds. Sonic and the Secret Rings is a full throttle roller coaster ride through vibrant worlds filled with intriguing creatures and endless surprises!

Sonic lays down to relax with his Arabian Nights book and falls asleep. When Sonic wakes up he is very confused as a young genie appears before him.
"Do not be alarmed! I am Shahra, the Genie of the Ring." She says. Shahra explains that the classic tales of the Arabian Nights are being erased by an evil genie named Erazor Djinn.
"If our world ceases to exist, then not only will those stories by silenced forever, but Erazor Djinn will then be unleashed into your world." Sonic considers her plea for help.
"Take me to this world of the Arabian Nights!" exclaims Sonic and Shahra immediately produces a magic carpet. "Now this is first class!" smiles Sonic as he climbs aboard.
And so the adventure begins.

Sonic the Hedgehog
Knuckles The Echidna (Playing the role of "Sinbad the Sailor")
Miles "Tails" Prower (Playing the role of "Ali Baba")
Dr. Eggman (Playing the role of "King Shahryar of Persia")
Shahra the Ring Genie
Erazor Djinn

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