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Knuckles the Echidna

Knuckles is a wild-born Echidna with fists of stone. He's the guardian of the Master Emerald and Floating Island. But with his short-temper and being gullible...he's easily tricked.

Knuckle's was first Sonic's rival, but now one of his trusted friends. His debut was in 1994, featuring in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. His rivalry against Sonic started when Dr. Eggman tricked him into thinking Sonic and Tails was his enemies. So when they came to the island, Knuckles had already set traps across the Floating Island. Though in Sonic & Knuckles, Knuckles later learned that he was only a pawn in Eggman's latest scheme. So, Sonic and Knuckles joined up, and became friends throughout the series. Knuckles is a strong Echidna, and is the last of his kind on the Floating Island. His destiny is to guard the Master Emerald, (originally the Chaos Emerald) though if often puts the Emerald aside to help Sonic on his quest to stop Dr. Eggman! A gullible fool, can fall for things easily as shown in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and Sonic Adventure. A trusting Echidna with fists of stone. He can glide through the air, and perform some strong punches.

Knuckles was originally going to be Jamaican and apparently green?